
Kingdom of White


Making the king smile in the Kingdom of White

The Kingdom of White campaign by our influencer marketing agency for small businesses, initiated in March 2023, aimed to enhance brand awareness and drive sales through dedicated YouTube and Instagram influencer marketing campaigns targeting male audiences aged 18-30 years in Tier 1 cities across India.

Conceptual Shoot, emphasizing brand awareness, product quality, and product description with a compelling storyline, was done by our platform to connect influencers with brands.

  Metrics of Campaign:

- Total Influencers Till Date: 5 creators chosen from our influencer discovery platform

- Total Views up-to Date: 2 Million

- Average Cost per View (CPV): 0.3

- YouTube Campaign: Dedicated Video & Store Visit

- Genre of Influencers: Fashion & Lifestyle

The influencers were asked to emphasize the product quality and product description with an engaging storyline. Utilizing this strategy our, influencer management agency was able to bring Kingdom of White awareness and resonate with its target audience. The campaign successfully achieved its objectives of increasing brand awareness and driving sales, establishing a notable presence in the competitive market landscape and proving our top influencer marketing agencies' success once again.

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